LOCAL COMMUNITY NEWS AT YOUR FINGERTIPSSocial Media provides an excellent way of keeping up with national and international news, but when it comes to local news, its coverage is limited.
The gap was filled by multiple local community papers. But social media eventually sucked all the advertising revenue out of local community publishing. The result was the closure of hundreds of local community papers. Some continued in digital form, but with vastly fewer journalists real local content vanished, leaving "Thousands of Stories Untold" - See image. To fill the gap Eastern Suburbs Life has created a community publishing platform that allows multiple authors to publish news and articles on a location by location basis. This means that readers can again find news about their local community, in detail and online, and even publish their own news online if they wish. To read news on all your devices, at anytime CLICK HERE To keep up to date On the Go download the App: -
The App also lets you upload news using your mobile. Over 65% of all news gets read and shared through the app. Welcome to all our readers - To read and publish your own news using your Desktop, Tablet or Mobile CLICK HERE |