About Us Intro..
Eastern Suburbs Goodwill Directory helps people work together and, at the same time, supports Eastern Suburbs charities: -
- It's a win win for everyone and creates local directories that are built by the community for the community.
- 10% of membership fees are donated to Local Eastern Suburbs Registered Charities.
For more details see below form..
To Enquire/Join Complete the Form Below or Call Rose On 0493 499 264
About Us Continued..
Eastern Suburbs Goodwill Directory helps people work together and, at the same time, supports Eastern Suburbs charities: -
- It's a win win for everyone and creates local directories that are built by the community for the community.
- 10% of membership fees are donated to Eastern Suburbs Registered Charities (Not Google/Facebook)
- That keeps money circulating in our local community helping create jobs and business opportunities.
- Membership is open to all sections of the community including Businesses, Charities, Social Groups,
Local Councils, Schools, Religious Bodies, State & Federal Bodies, Not For Profits and Individuals. - They cover the area from Sydney Harbour to Botany Bay Click Here
- To View Selected Goodwill Directory Entries Click Here
- To save you time we will set up your entry for free.
- Registered Charities for free (See Footnote)**
- Save $10 on every Network Night
Membership Benefits Include: -
- You can easily find, contact and keep in touch with fellow members at any time
- You will also receive proactive help if you wish to engage in collaborative projects
- 6 Months Supportive Collaborative Online Directory Membership CLICK HERE
- Share news with fellow members in a private Facebook Group CLICK HERE
- Share news with the community in a public Facebook Group CLICK HERE
- Share news to the Eastern Suburbs publishing platform CLICK HERE
- Save $10 every time you attend a Monthly Network Night - Your Price $15
- Save $50 on 6 Months Classified Advertising - Usually $275 now $225
- A 30% Discount on our standard Rate Card advertising rates
Frequently Asked Questions: -
- Q. Why do we need a Directory, isn't Google enough?
A. Google is very good at finding information that is on websites. Not every business has a website and not every website is kept up to date. In addition directories give people a sense of belonging, something very important in a community. - Q. Why Donate Money to a Charity?
A. Word of Mouth is the cheapest form of advertising and charities are community bodies in touch with a lot of people. We believe donating is more cost effective than paying Google & Facebook and it also keeps money within the community - Q. How else is the directory promoted?
A. It is also promoted every month in the Eastern Suburb Life hard copy paper - CLICK HERE - Q. Are there any other ways?
A. Yes. Members help constantly by posting to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter (Now called X). - Q. Can I also advertise in the hard copy paper?
A. Yes, and as a member you receive a 30% discount on standard advertising rates. - Q. Can I collaborate with other members to create a joint advert - For example for Mother's Day?
A. Yes, by all means, and it will probably create more impact and save you money - Q. Is there any other way I can tell people about my services and what I do?
A. Yes we have a digital publishing platform where you can publish news events and special offers etc. - Q. Can I share that information on Social Media too?
A. Absolutely! We have public and private Facebook Groups where you can share information - Q. Why is membership only for 6 Months?
A. We like to keep the directory up to date and 6 Monthly membership helps us keep it current - Q. Can I invite my friends and colleagues to join the directory?
A. By all means. It will bring new skills and contacts to the network and enrich everyone - Q. Do you run any other other community platforms?
A. Yes we run Eastern Suburbs Buy, Sell and Swap that has over 37,000 users - Q. Can I help with what you're doing in any way
A. Yes, many people help informally by publising articles and helping deliver papers etc - Q. Is there any way I can get help?
A. Yes, just call Rose in Customer Support and she will find the right person to help you